Saturday, January 29, 2011

What email server should I choose?

I need a secure email server installed in debian-lenny with users in a mysql table.
Also users are from multiple domains.
Quota should be in mysql or a global variable for all users.
What are my options ?
THanks in advance for your help.

  • I pretty much followed this guide:

    Does what you require.

  • I run the following software on Debian Etch without any problems:

    • Postfix
    • Potstfixadmin
    • MySQL
    • Dovecot (courier etc will probably also work, but Iv'e found dovecot to be much slimmer on resources and easier to set up)

    Gives you virtual users and domains, vacation messages, imap(s), pop3(s), web-based user/alias/domain managment etc. Highly recommended.

    Edit: Here's a tutorial aswell -

    From pauska
  • Although I like installing and configuring the different components of a complete mail system myself, you might be interested in iRedMail which is basically a script installing and configuring every needed component for you. It also brings a web interface for configuration.

    From joschi
  • postfix-policyd for your rate limiting/throttling

  • I'm a huge QMAIL fan. It hasn't had a security issue ever. The toaster makes it easier to throw a box up if you're less familiar with it.

    Scott Lundberg : Ditto for me. There are some great tutorials that can be found at in the documentation section. Also, Life With Qmail, by Dave Sill is a great resource.
    pauska : I like Qmail aswell, but the patching of code (wich violates qmail's security guarantee) got to me, so I changed to Postfix.
    From Warner
  • Courier has the complete suite (MTA, POP3, IMAP) that all can share the same authentication-system (single configuration for validating against a database). I'm not sure about quota though.

    If you mix systems (psotfix + courier for example), you will need to setup them indvidually for the same database-schema.

    From jishi
  • Use Postfix, with virtual-domains.

    From eternal1


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