Thursday, February 17, 2011

How do I set an image for some but not all nodes in a TreeView?

I have a TreeView windows forms control with an ImageList, and I want some of the nodes to display images, but I want the others to not have images.

I don't want a blank space where the image should be. I don't want an image that looks like the lines that the TreeView would draw if it didn't have an ImageList. How do I get it to draw images for some items and not others, without resorting to clumsy hacks like that?

From stackoverflow
  • I tried this once and I don't think it is possible.

    If you try to set both ImageKey and ImageIndex to "not set" values the control just defaults ImageIndex to 0. The following code:

    treeView.ImageKey = "Value";
    treeView.ImageKey = null;
    treeView.ImageIndex = -1;

    Produces output:


    This kind of tells you that the control developers wanted to make sure that there was always a default image. That just leaves you with the hack options I'm afraid.

  • You need to set imageIndex and selectedImageIndex to a number that is higher than the number of values in your ImageList. For example, if you create this node and add it to your treeview:

    TreeNode node1 = new TreeNode(string.Empty, 12, 12); // imageList1.Count = 5

    you will have an invisible TreeNode inserted into your TreeView. I changed the background color of my TreeView and it was still invisible.

    (I googled this for some time, and I eventually found the answer here:


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