Tuesday, March 1, 2011

C# - convert strings such as "uniqueidentifier", "timestamp", "image", "money", "sql_variant" etc. into .net data-types

How to convert strings such as "uniqueidentifier", "timestamp", "image", "money", "sql_variant" etc. into respective .net data-types?

I need to query a table to find out its contained fields and then accumulate those into a list List<Column>. Column is a class written by me. So I need this mechanism.

From stackoverflow
  • Simply work out what you want the types to be (which may vary by your database) and use a dictionary:

    static reaodnly Dictionary<string, Type> NameToTypeMap = 
    new Dictionary<string, Type>
        { "uniqueidentifier", typeof(Guid) },
        { "timestamp", typeof(DateTimeOffset) },
        { "image", typeof(byte[]) },
        // etc

    Note that this is assuming you're using C# 3, as it uses a collection initializer. Let me know if you're not using C# 3.

    EDIT: Here's the C# 2 code:

    static Dictionary<string, Type> NameToTypeMap = GetTypeMap();
    private static Dictionary<string, Type> GetTypeMap()
        Dictionary<string, Type> ret = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
        ret["uniqueidentifier"] = typeof(Guid);
        ret["timestamp"] = typeof(DateTimeOffset);
        ret["image"] = typeof(byte[]);
        // etc
        return ret;
    JMSA : I am using .net 2.0 and vs2005.
    JMSA : Where can I find this conversion list? I.e. how did you know that timestamp should be converted into DateTimeOffset?
    Jon Skeet : Okay, will write the C# 2 code when I've had breakfast :)
    LukeH : @JMSA: Here's a handy chart showing conversions between SQL Server and CLR types: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb386947.aspx#BehaviorMatrix
    JMSA : @Luke, thanks for the link.
  • Run a query with the target columns using ExecuteReader to get a SqlDataReader, then use GetFieldType (returns the .NET datatype) and GetDataTypeName (returns the corresponding SQL server type name). The actual type mapping is done internally to the SqlClient- you could use reflection to access it, and hope it doesn't change between .NET versions, but I wouldn't recommend it.


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