Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Google Protocol Buffer repeated field C++

I have the below protocol buffer. Note that StockStatic is a repeated field.

message ServiceResponse
    enum Type
     REQUEST_FAILED     = 1;

    message StockStaticSnapshot
     repeated StockStatic stock_static  = 1;
    required Type type      = 1;
    optional StockStaticSnapshot stock_static_snapshot  = 2;


message StockStatic
    optional string sector   = 1;
      optional string subsector = 2;

I am filling out the StockStatic fields while iterating through a vector.


ServiceResponse_StockStaticSnapshot stockStaticSnapshot;

for (vector<stockStaticInfo>::iterator it = m_staticStocks.begin(); it!= m_staticStocks.end(); ++it)
 StockStatic* pStockStaticEntity = stockStaticSnapshot.add_stock_static();

 SetStockStaticProtoFields(*it, pStockStaticEntity); // sets sector and subsector field to pStockStaticEntity by reading the fields using (*it)

But the above code is right only if StockStatic was an optional field and not a repeated field. My questions is what line of code am i missing to make it a repeated field?

From stackoverflow
  • Another way of accomplishing the same thing:

    message SearchResponse {
      message Result {
      required string url = 1;
      optional string title = 2;
      repeated string snippets = 3;
      repeated Result result = 1;
  • No, you're doing the right thing.

    Here's a snippet of my PB (detail ommited for brevity):

    message DemandSummary
        required uint32 solutionIndex     = 1;
        required uint32 demandID          = 2;
    message ComputeResponse
        repeated DemandSummary solutionInfo  = 3;

    ...and the C++ to fill up ComputeResponse::solutionInfo:

    ComputeResponse response;
    for ( int i = 0; i < demList.size(); ++i ) {
        DemandSummary* summary = response->add_solutioninfo();

    response.solutionInfo now contains demList.size() elements.

    aajkaltak : Thank you.. I just realized the call to response->add_solutioninfo() ---- adds more than 1 element.. thank you!


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