I want url's like index.php?showuser=512, index.php?shownews=317 for pages i get content from db... and for regular pages index.php?page=about and so on WITHOUT mod-rewrite.
Invision Power Board has urls like this. I have looked through their code but I can't figure out how they do it.
I could do it like this:
if (ctype_digit($_GET['shownews'])) include('shownews.php');
elseif (ctype_digit($_GET['showuser'])) include('showuser.php');
// regular pages
elseif ($_GET['page'] == 'about') include('about.php');
elseif ($_GET['page'] == 'help') include('help.php');
elseif ($_GET['page'] == 'login') include('login.php');
But this feels too messy. Just curious how IPB does this. Is there a better way do to this? WITHOUT any mod-rewrite. Any one know? I doubt they do it like the above.
I can't do:
if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]+$/', $_GET['page'])) include('$_GET['page']');
Then I would get links like index.php?showuser&id=512 and that I dont like. (i know its not safe just showing the princip)
I like it this way, it's not the best but i like it so please be quiet about template engines, frameworks etc. Just be kind and answer my question... I just want to know how IPB does this.
Thanks Tomek
I don't know how IPB does this, let's get that out of the way. But, this is how I would approach this problem:
First, I recognize that there are two kinds of GET parameters: page/identifier, and just page. These would get tested separately.
Second, I recognize that all all get parameters match their filenames sans the php-suffix, so we can use this to our advantage.
One of the most important things to remember is to never let GET-parameters affect our code unsanitized. In this case, we know which types of pages we can and want to show, so we can create a white-list out of these.
So, onto the pseudo-y dispatcher code:
$pagesWithId = array("shownews", "showuser", "showwhatever"); $justPages = array("about", "help", "login"); foreach ($pagesWithId as $page) { if (isset($_GET[$page])) { $id = (int)$_GET[$page]; include($page.'.php'); die(); } } if (in_array($_GET['page'], $justPages)) { include($_GET['page'].'.php'); die(); } // page not found show404OrHandleOtherwise();
For pages you just use a simple array.
if (isset($pages[$_GET['page']])) include $pages[$_GET['page']];
For shownews=317 You could make a simple conversion in your app. Depending on how you want to prioritize page or shownews etc:
if (isset($pages[$_GET['page']])) { include $pages[$_GET['page']]; } else { $possiblePages = array_filter(array_intersect_key($_GET, $pagesWithId), 'ctype_digit'); if (!empty($possiblePages)) { $id = reset($possiblePages); $pageName = key($possiblePages); $page = $pagesWithId[$pageName]; include $page; } else { //no valid pages } }
Note: page "names" are array keys, and the value is the path, file and extension to include. More customizable.
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