When I have a problem I often search the computing literature.
Some of the resources[*] I use are:
The professional associations?
The scientific publishers?
What do you use? What is the best resource source (if there is one) for the working programmer?
[*] after stackoverflow and google of course :)
PS what tags should I use for this question?
Language or platform dependant I think, but it's all the .orgs - cpan, zvon, w3 and quirksmode - amongst others in my \bookmarks\library folder.
Honestly I think SO and google are the best resources for specific questions.
If I could make an anti-suggestion: I've got a greasemonkey script to nuke MSDN (yes) and expertsexchange.com from my searches. So many broken links, hidden info, and special (as in not general) solutions with the most trite and trivial examples if you do miraculously find something. Just awful.
SO ftw!
Stephen : cool good resources for web developers -
www.google.com I think it's a kind of a digital library. :-P
I found my library has a useful service that lists the full-text services that they are subscribed to by discipline; in my case selecting computer science returned the following:
ACM Digital Library
Full text of articles published by ACM in the area of computing and information technology.
IEEE Xplore
Full text of over 100 publications from IEEE and IEE on electronic and electrical engineering.
Indexes journals and conference proceedings in electrical engineering, electronics, physics, control engineering, information technology, communications, computers, computing, and manufacturing and production engineering.
Intute: Science, Engineering, & Technology
Index to high quality internet resources which are selected, indexed and described by subject and information specialists. Science, Engineering and Technology part of the Intute service.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Series covering new developments in computer science and information technology research and teaching.
MathSciNet (AMS)
Comprehensive database covering the world's mathematical literature since 1940.
SIAM Journals Online
Applied mathematics and computer science journals.
Full text journals from Springer.
Web of Science
Multidisciplinary database, incorporating ISI Science Citation Expanded®, Social Sciences Citation Index®, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index™. Also offers cited reference searching, enabling users to find out which other articles cite a particular article.
Stephen : I tend to use ACM Digital Library. The interface on many of these is horrible. -
My library has a service that searches across a bunch of computing paper databases (Including ACM Digital Library, the IEEE one and Springer)
Metasearch I think it's called. But you probably can only get it if you are at a university.
ACM DL and Web of Science have improved their interfaces a lot lately.
Besides some of the ones already listed, I use Citeseer and Google Scholar (they are free of charge).
I also use Books24x7.com, and OReilly's Safari.
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