If I check for a column's existance as follows, before adding it, how would I do the equivalent for a UNIQUE constraint?
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id=OBJECT_ID('[Table]') AND [Name]='Column')
[Column] varchar(500)
From stackoverflow
Something like this for a constraint FK_myTable (SQL 2000):
if not exists ( select * from sysconstraints sc inner join sysobjects tbl on sc.id = tbl.id inner join sysobjects con on sc.constid = con.id where tbl.name = 'myTable' and con.name = 'FK_myTable' )
jhale : I believe that sysconstraints and sysobjects have been deprecated and you are no longer supposed to use them.MikeW : I'm still living in a cave and using SQL 2000 :) -
select * from sys.objects where type = 'uq' and parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID('[Table]')
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