I try to create a project with use a Split in AC2.
this I have
in_pers = 3x5+5x3+6x8;
var tmp:Array = in_pers.split("+");
trace(tmp); //output == 3x5, 5x3, 6x8
but, how if in_pers = 3x5+5x3-6x8-4x2;
how can I get the result 3x5, 5x3, 6x8, 4x2
how to use the split with two delimiter.
Best regard..
Sadly, AS2 has no native understanding of regular expressions. To use RegExp, you'd have to move to AS3, or find a regular expression class written for AS2...there are some out there.
I think for this purpose you'd need to create a custom function. I'm not sure the one I've created below is the best...a bit kludgy and maybe not the most performant, but I think it does essentially what you need.
var in_pers:String = "3x5+5x3-6x8-4x2"; var tmp:Array = multiSplit(in_pers, ["+", "-"]); trace (tmp); function multiSplit(str:String, delimiters:Array):Array { /* create an array to return */ var resultArray:Array = []; /* loop through the string */ var a:Number = 0; while (a < str.length) { var first:Number = str.length; var bLen:Number = delimiters.length; /* loop through the delimiters */ for (var b:Number = 0; b < bLen; b++) { var delimiter:String = delimiters[b]; /* find the first delimiter */ var index:Number = str.indexOf(delimiter, a + 1); if (index != -1 && index < first) first = index; } if (first == a) break; /* Add the substring to the return array */ resultArray.push(str.substring(a, first)); a = first+1; } return resultArray; }
There is a much simpler way to do what wikiup suggested:
function strReplace( haystack:String, needle:String, replacement:String ):String { var tmpA:Array = haystack.split( needle ); return tmpA.join( replacement ); } function multiSplit( haystack:String, needles:Array ):Array { // generate a unique String for concatenation. var salt:String = String( Math.random() ); //replace with anything you like // Replace all of the strings in the needles array with the salt variable for( var i:Number = 0; i < needles.length; i++ ) { haystack = strReplace( haystack, needles[ i ], salt ); } //haystack now only has the objects you want split up concatenated by the salt variable. //split haystack and you'll have your desired result. return haystack.split( salt ); }
Not only is this smaller, it is also faster (while takes a lot longer than for( i = 0; i < val; i++ ) (look up iteration vs. recursion) ).
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