I have a unordered list
<ul id="List1">
using jquery, i want to convert this li to a link and add font as underline
I am trying it like this
$('li').css('font', 'underline').click(function() {
// how to add hyperlink?
From stackoverflow
You should check out the "linkify" method mentioned in this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/247479/jquery-text-to-link-script/248901#248901
What about something like this? This will turn the elements into actual links, so you don't need to add the underline or onclick handler.
$('li').each(function(e) { $(this).wrapInner('<a href="http://' + $(this).text() + '"></a>'); });
In your example, the list items were urls, so this will only work if that remains the case.
Charles : Links are normally underlined by default - so unless you've changed the default style to remove the underlining, that code should result in underlined, clickable links.Charles : You can use this syntax: $('li a').css({ "text-decoration": "underline", "color": "#333333" }); If you're changing several CSS attributes, though, I'd usually make a new class and then assign the class to the links.
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