here's what I'd like to do in mySQL... I'm getting the feeling that this is simply not feasible, but would love to be wrong...
create procedure foo(IN MYTABLE varchar(50) , IN COLNAME varchar (50), IN MYTYPE varchar(50))
IF (select count(*) from information_schema.columns where table_name =MYTABLE and column_name = COLNAME) = 0
alter table MYTABLE add column MYNAME MYTYPE;
call foo( 'table_foo' , 'column_bar' , 'varchar(100)' );
From stackoverflow
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Why? Your data model should not be as fluid as you seem to think you want it to be. Lock it down. Normalize it. If you need arbitrary columnar values, use a User Defined Field pattern. Don't go messing with your tables at a whim. Not a good idea.
Dr.Dredel : thanks! I was just trying to prevent seeing a bunch of "error column already exists" as we run the script across multiple DBs, if it's accidentally run multiple times on the same box.Randolpho : So this is for an install script of some sort? I wouldn't bother worrying about whether or not it's run multiple times. Handle that issue in documentation.Quassnoi : It's actually possible, see my post. -
Don't know why on Earth you would want it, but it's possible:
DELIMITER // DROP PROCEDURE foo// CREATE PROCEDURE foo(IN MYTABLE varchar(50) , IN COLNAME varchar (50), IN MYTYPE varchar(50)) BEGIN SET @ddl = CONCAT('alter table ', MYTABLE, ' add column (', COLNAME, ' ', MYTYPE, ')'); PREPARE STMT FROM @ddl; EXECUTE STMT; END; //
Randolpho : Wow, talk about SQL injection!Quassnoi : It's in no way what I'd advise my children to do, but it's still possible :)
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