Sunday, April 3, 2011

Do you use the original (German) apple keyboard/keyboard layout when programming on mac?

I'm a programmer, working with different languages/Formats (Java, Python, Xml, Html, Objective-C ect.). From time to I've to work on a Mac and I'm not very comfortable with the German keyboard layout for programming.

Is there somebody with the same problem and, if so, how did you solve it?

From stackoverflow
  • I recently did an internship in England and used this opportunity to switch to the English keyboard layout. The switch was nearly completely straightforward and I can heartily recommend it, especially since you can still type the German umlauts very well on the English keyboard layout (Alt+u, then a/o/u types the corresponding umlaut; Alt+s types “ß”).

    The keys used for programming are much easier reachable, especially “[]” and “{}” (which are both on “ü” and “+”). Also, “/” and “\” better placed. The only think I absolutely hate is the placement of the “+” key because it requires the shift key!

    splattne : I think VB.NET is an international-keyboard friendly language: no ";", few curly and angle brackets. ;-)
    Kai : Started yesterday to work with an English layout and it's great (although I've still the german keyboard). To reach the umlauts via ALT+... is (on a win-PC) not out of the box, but I'll fix that one too with microsofts layout editor .
  • You can find some answers to your question here on Stackoverflow:

    Keyboard layout for international programmers?

    Kai : +1 I actually didn't see this one and it helps. But the 'Mac-situation' is a bit worse.
  • Related sad story: I am often unhappy about the keyboard layout (especially the placement on CapsLock, Ctrl, Apple key, which is different on Mac and Dell, and I have to use both), but I found that I absolutely cannot handle a (software) keyboard layout that does not correspond to what is printed on the actual hardware keycaps.

    I think I could deal with a keyboard without any keycaps at all, but once they do not say what they do, I get very conscious about my typing and mess up completely.

    So short of using an actual programmer-friendly USB keyboard I am trapped with what the OS/hardware vendor thinks is good for me.

    Update: The guy sitting at the desk in front of me has covered his keyboard with the star-spangled banner is typing through that...

    Kai : Absolutely same with me. I'm not able to handle keyboards where the keys don't do what's printed on. I think, I buy me an English keyboard.
  • You can get a blank keyboard from

    I've been eyeing it up for awhile now.

    Kai : I actually wanted to buy this one yesterday, but it costs 99 Euros!


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